Cardboard Box Church is an idea directly from heaven. In 2016 I met a brother in the Lord named Scott Lee who had a vision of cardboard and duct tape coming down from heaven. He saw himself in the vision holding a box cutter and heard the Lord Jesus Christ give him basic instructions on how to build it. He started to build it, but then sat on the idea for a number of years, thinking that it was for someone else. When I was talking to Scott, the Lord said to him, "This is the man who is going to do Cardboard Box Church". I immediately replied, "Yes, that's right, I am going to do it because it's a great idea". Since then, my wife Ahava and I have set up Cardboard Box Church hundreds of times throughout the USA. People love it and think it's a novel idea.
My name is Thomas Fischer. I'm an ordained minister and specifically, a Traveling Evangelist. Cardboard Box Church is NOT registered under IRS Section 501(c)3. No church is required to register under 501(c)3. Cardboard Box Church is registered as an Unincorporated Association, which is one of four ways to set up a church.
The tax exempt # is: 82-5413996
I've been publishing live action healing videos on YouTube for over 14 years. The YouTube icon below is a link to the channel. I've published over 1,000 videos that have received 3,861,147 views worldwide (as of 03/22/2025), although the channel has been heavily censored for the past 4+ years. When watching the videos, people have been encouraged to believe that Christianity is supernatural because of the instant healing miracles that have been caught on video.